well. 這是一部浪慢史詩式電影. +工夫. +追逐.
劇情圍繞盜心者,而因他的捕獲. 錯綜複雜的感情關係得以真相大白.
同平時的工夫片不同是它有很多慢格拍攝. 所以你唔覺得時間匆匆. 又唔會慢條斯理的.
可是. 整體故事性不強. 特出唔到怪物對愛的感受. 結局一開始已經注定沒好結果. 無物新鮮感. 更不華麗.
話面方面. 部分有詩畫作布景. 有些一眼看出是片場. 小本投資.
總結. 如果你專心看. 佢都會停留有你腦海里一段時間的. 因為劇情單純. 簡單易記.

這樣。 This is a historical romantic movie. +KungFu +Chasing
The flow of history based on a stealing. His capture means the end of the movie which provide a explanation to all actors(not the viewers)
The difference is this film took a lot of slow motion scene. for you wouldn't feel it's too rush or too boring.
However, the storyline unreveils the sense of love of the monster. and you would know the end since start. So it's out of fresh and splendid.
For the scene, there is some painting background and some scene is recognized as movie studio. Low invested.
Altogether, if you see this film seriously, then you would find out it maintain in your mind a bit longer cos its artless and catchy.


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