
Author: Anton

My Dearest:

I know I didn't make any promise last night, but I have mentioned that I am going to play basketball and football with my colleagues when I called your home in Tuesday afternoon . You try to be good bb, I said I want to have dinner at home for the week and you are happy to let medo this. I said I need to read books and stuff... but I play games twonites only. I always take my time at home and I have not calling you every hour or every half hour, but you could call me anytime indeed. You are the one who always want to be with meumeu and asks meumeu tomake you company, but meumeu also always ask you to do reading with him, go his house to dinner and watching TV, go gathering with his friends and join his activities (like bible sharing). If so, meumeu will be very happy with you as his company. You try not to be so demanding and let me do things I like or have to do, but I don'tappreciate of you this act of generosity. I just do whatever I like without caring about your feeling? You don't like to always be the onewho don't says "can you be with me tonight"? or "let's do this andthat tonight"...but why you have not to suggest sth? otherwise I'll have another suggestion for you indeed you dislike. I think that I have given u enough time? No, cos my time for you is eternity, but you can tell me this is no enough of time. You know it's hard for me? You, actually, know a MAN got so many things to do and colleagues whom need to social in working life and reality life. But it's about two people being together, and I know you, but why you have to be demanding and controlling to me, and not to yourself. You try to be good, but it does not mean I will put you aside and just try to say some nicewords. As I told youwe'll go out on Friday night after dinner at home, Have you planned anything? Or just waiting me to do everything in pending your criticizing eyes. It's two people who love each other and be together and it's not about "booking" each others' time. I understand that you need to be at home and I also have to, so we made a deal, cos it's also about cooperating and finding a balance. It's annoying cos you recently forget what I told you and always dowhatever you like during my working hour without inform me before orright before you have to do it. It's not fair because you can do so much thing and I can not. Anyway, that's you before, now, from now on,you can do whatever you like withouth seriously thinking in my side. If I want you to be with me, I'll ask if you can let me do this or do that twos weeks before and hoping you can give me straight and clear answer, but no need vice versa. If you have arranged something with your friends or whatever, you do it and I'll have no questions asked. Then I think it can be easier for me and I can feel more comfortable and relieved and less tense and no need to worry that you'll be angry or be bad-tempered or whatever...

Your dear,
27 March 2008


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